Tuesday, June 1, 2010

getting wired

today; a lot of fiddling with the electrogizmos. i think the yard is considering actually working on our boat. we even had a couple of yard workers do a few things to cricket, and to crickets mast. nice! we’re filling our minds with wires and diagrams of wires, and various ways of connecting wires. also we’re considering creative routes to run wires and all the myriads of stuff that wires can carry within their veins. but when all is dreamt up, and put into it’s proper place it will be a very pleasant thing; sailing around without often running into things!

after all these wirey matters we enjoyed a very fine evening upon the water upon our dear friends darrell and nancy's boat, makarios. they had the pleasure of launching their lovely center cockpitted boat today, and are anchored right out there in the harbor. there was no way we were going to say no to an evening of dinner and stories afloat with our good cronies darrell and nancy and kurt and michael! can't even begin to describe the warmth of friendship we experienced as the cool, torrential rain tried to drown out our conversation upon the bimini's canvas.

check out my facebook for a few more pictures (i'm finding that this blogsight doesn't do these photographs justice ; )

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